About Us And About Our Service

This site offers you the maximum exposure your classified Ad could get and provide you with the best chances to accomplish your goals; because:

1. It is free , no charges no memberships; so it is easy to use and accessible to all potential partners.

2. It features your Classified Ad as long as you want for free.

3. It features the Job offers & Resumes for free.

4. It is linked to all the Arabian directories and search engines that gives area specific results .

5. It is featured in the Arabic media.

6. It is linked to all the major business directories.

7. This site experiences high traffic & is constantly updating.

8. Through the site's Forum you can get very informed with first hand information.

9. The Free Links Function allows your site or page to be linked to this site as long as you want it to.

All our services are free and is sponsored by advertisers.

We believe in the Internet as the best mean for employers to find the best candidates from around the world for the jobs offered. It also provide the job seeker with the opportunity to present his qualifications to potential employers on merit bases , over riding the hassles involved with UNDER THE TABLE deals.

We also believe that the Internet will provide the local importer in the Arabian Gulf with variety of products and exporters list to choose from and even see the quality of their products in the comfort of their home or office.

Exporters from around the world can make their products and price lists available to all the potential importers from the Arabian Gulf, which eliminates the third man involvement increasing the earnings margin. Investors, financial institutions and bankers can meet with and discuss potential business opportunities.

By Placing a Classified add on this site you are solely responsible for the accuracy of that information .
The site or its owner cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of any information provided on the site by the users, nor for any material that is libelous or unlawful , and reserve the right to remove any material that is in violation with our policies.